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We are pleased to be able to introduce a new type of web service. We specialize in 3 very neat ideas. 1.) We offer internet research with a live operator, that can put the entire World Wide Web into whereever you live, without a computer. All you need is a payphone, or a landline and even a cell phone will work. For less than .99 cents a minute an operator will surf the internet for you and your time with the consultant is completely free and won't start until our agents call you back, either at your convenience or immediately. We are in the business of recycling souls in this life, so that you can enjoy the time on earth you have left and earn great favor by helping others when you get to Heaven. At our website we only keep 10% of every dollar we recieve as a donation and the rest is allocated to local NPO services that specialize in helping people, like veterans, homeless, addicts and victims, of domestic violence. No one should be denied the opportunity to enjoy what life has to offer, due to a negative state of there economy. We also have something not availible anywhere else at all. We offer converting your personal book collection into digital audio format. It is half the cost of popular Audio book sites and it helps to reduce your carbon footprint, because, we can recylce your paper edition, unless otherwise specified. Most of our recyclables are delivered to "Mammoth Cave National Park" in KY, because it is the largest park in the country that is almost entirely green and it is sustaining the park, for many decades to come, preserving history. We are a Christ based organization and plan on sponsoring a number of events in the immediate future, look for "Cafe Utopia" our virtual cookbook with guidance on cooking tips. "Feeding Faith" is our summer lunches program for local kids home from school. "Dear Jesus" is our Q and A section where for just $5 bucks, you can get a relevant answer to any one question, straight from scripture, you pick out, like KJV or NLT. We will post your question and answer on the page within 2 hours. Send us a friend and your question goes down to just $4.00 the rest of the month. I reccommend ordering a 30 minute block of research with a live operator, for only $25.00 and sometimes it is great just to hear someone's voice and know that they care. We would love to pray with you absolutely free, just let the operator know your needing prayer. Office supplies made from recycled trash is one of our favorite items. Sticks and Stones blog contest awards 2 winners a month and in October, we will draw one lucky winner a ticket for 2 admissions into our "Civil War Period" Costume Masquerade and Karaoke Contest, booking for November 3-end of November. It is to honor our local volunteer hero's killed in the line of Duty in 1993 while on the Fire Department. It is a test market to see how many will book in advance, so we know what to expect next year, when we remember them for a 20th anniversary Ball...book for next year ,while dancing the night away this year, enjoying appetizers and singing your favorite songs. No alcohol allowed, please. 1st prize Costume wins $500.00 and 1st prize performance wins a giant Raven's Rock emblem tote bag, full of useful tips, toys and discount coupons to use on www.fofu.biz/findoutforyourself.org. During the next 2 weeks our site will be completely free to view to anyone, but, as of June 1, 2012 only 6 hour passwords will be issued and expire at midnight. We are really big on Safety and Security, so we are devleoping Solid Rock Security Service for the not so savvy, surfer. Also in August, watch for video canning classes, in June the introduction of "Driven Wind Delivery" for $15.00 we will pick up anything and deliver it straight to your doorstep, whether it is dinner, groceries, diapers, hay, or feed, one small donation, time with our lifestone operator and availability, you can just sit back relax and excercise your fingertips, by dialing our number(we just don't deliver any grandmothers) items only...Disaster Relief Fund is for a hard hit area we select each season and this year it is in Indiana. Every page has useful links and pictures to build on your experience and phone lines ring 24/7. We have job opportunites from Temp-Perm and volunteer-paid, for operators, research consultants, deliveries and Book Narrators. We welcome teens 16-25 during the summer months part time. In the future we will distribute plaques explaining the origin of a persons name "Whats in a name?' and on the swift rise is our stable love page, being developed for all your domestic animal needs. I would like to hear from you email me, CEO@fofu.biz, my name is Koren M. Andrews, I am the founder of Raven's Rock and the Authority on all the media content. Also at the costume contest we will be auctioning off a new rendition of "The Rose" by Janice Joplin. Just the rewritten lyrics wil be up for bidding on Ebay. CYA IMOut and TY,rc