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*What is The Genie Script?*
The Genie Script is a UNIQUE 30-day meditation system for building a strong healthy mind that can manifest dreams and desires fast!
It’s a proven framework that covers the ENTIRE process of powerfully using effective meditation techniques to transform your life.
What Can The Genie Script Do for Students, Career Builders, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners?
Using Wesley's program, you’ll learn the exact strategies, frameworks, tactics, and scripts of how to be clear about what you want out of life, create vivid pictures of your dreams, and use a god-like meditative frequency to gives your mind permission to begin manifesting your desires — even while you’re sleeping!
I have personally taken a handful of meditation programs from giants like Tony Robbins, Bob Procter, and Eric Thomas. But in my opinion, Wesley Virgin's The Genie Script is the BEST meditation program that can take ANYONE from being overwhelmed and confused to getting amazing results physically, financially, emotionally, and psychologically.
For me, that's the true definition of a happy, successful, and fulfilled life.
*Visit www.thegeniescripts.com for my detailed review of The Genie Script*
* My Personal Results With The Genie Script Program*
I came across Wesley Virgin early a few years back.
As I mentioned earlier, I researched about him, and was so impressed with his content that I subscribed to his YouTube channel and followed him on both Facebook and Instagram. I consistently consumed his free online content and began to get some results, especially in the areas of my emotions and finances.
So fast forward to when he first soft-launched The Genie Script Program. I was one of the first set of people to jump in as soon as the program was opened, and that decision is one that I'm always thankful I made.
There are so many amazing things about the way the program was packaged, but by far the most exciting thing about the program, is the QUALITY AND DEPTH of content he shared inside. I had expectations but suffice to say that my expectations were completely exceeded.
It's important to mention that as of the time I took the program, I was dead broke…and even in debt to the tune of almost $7000.
But I VIVIDLY remember that exactly 9 days into The Genie Script Program and consistently using Wesley's secret meditation formula, I made my first sale in my new online business.
It is one of those feelings you never forget.
In fact, there's nothing quite like it when you experience it for the first time.
And fast forward to 69 days later, I woke up and experienced this UNSPEAKABLE moment of joy and fulfillment looking at the dashboard of my online business account and realizing I’ve made $34,502.15 in just 69 days!
*Visit www.thegeniescripts.com for complete proof and my detailed review of The Genie Script*
*What is inside the Genie Script Program?*
When you register, you’ll receive:
4x 10-Minute Meditation Every Week: During these 10-min sessions, Wesley teaches how to master his unique meditation techniques.
There are four (4) of these session every week.
Video Training On The 5 Meditative States: The root of successful meditation is really understanding the process. So in these training videos, Wesley breaks down the 5 brain wave states (Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, and Gamma).
He also goes in-depth into the benefits of each state and when to put yourself into each state to see the best results.
Access To Wesley's Private Facebook Community: I'm personally a big believer in the power of community.
So I was personally happy that Wesley included a private FB community where you'll be able to connect with people with similar aspirations and vision like yours, get inspired by other people's results, and most importantly, stay focused for the entire 30 days.
The Program also features a number of high-value bonuses:
Bonus #1: Wealth Frequency Binaural Beat Track: This simple binaural beat track will engage your brain in a totally unique, highly-potent state of manifestation simply by listening to it.
Bonus #2: Kundalini Touch Exercise: This exercise is a magical science that uses sound, mantra and energy healing to awaken beliefs of abundance to manifest physical desires more rapidly.
Bonus #3: Supernatural Third Eye Activation Exercises: Developing your third eye helps you to connect your self, and spirit and strengthen your psychic and manifestation abilities.
Bonus #4: Occult Walking Guided Meditation Audios: This is a technique that allows your mind to unconsciously concentrate and manifest your desires while you walk during your day to day routine.
Still curious about how the program is packaged?
*Visit www.thegeniescripts.com for complete proof and my detailed review of The Genie Script*