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Renting an apartment or house seems to always be a gamble. It is very difficult to tell what the quality of the property will be upon move-in.
We are offering a way for tenants to differentiate the good from the bad by offering RentApproval (RA) Certifications to those properties that submit to a third party inspection and present the results to us for inspection.
Upon passing the inspection analysis process, property managers/owners are given a paper and digital copy of the RA Certification, which states the property address and the date of approval, which they can proudly display to potential tenants.
RA Certification is good for one year after initial approval and is granted on an individual unit basis.
With the RA Certification, property managers/owners will have the ability to prove that the apartment or rental house was inspected by a third-party and passed the review process. It will demonstrate that a property is safe and sound upon move-in, which will reassure the potential tenants and help bring forth transparency for a more successful tenant/landlord partnership.