
What Are Men and Women Really Thinking When They Say:

“It’s Not You It’s Me!”


The Decoder: He Says, She Says


(San Francisco, CA) July, 2009: Interacting with members of the opposite sex can often be a fun and rewarding experience. At the same time, if you’re like most people, it can also be an exercise in frustration and confusion. Then came along The Decoder: He Says, She Says by author David Kuoch.


For instance, why do our partners say things to us, when they really mean the exact opposite?  Despite years of therapy, countless books on relationships, and deep conversations that have run into the wee hours of the night, are any of us really closer to understanding what our partner’s are actually thinking?


Have you ever wished you could decode a conversation and read between the lines of what’s really being said in the battle of the sexes? What are men and women really thinking when they say: “It’s not you it’s me!” or “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” What does it mean when a man or woman you’re dating tells you: “We’re moving too quickly.”  Your wish has been granted.