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The Law Offices of Richard M. Sudar represent criminal defense cases across the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California. An individual arrested for a criminal offense and facing a possible jail sentence, payment of large fines, probation, and other penalties can be frightened and confused by the criminal court system. From the time of arrest, it is vital to have a strong legal defense to protect the rights of the defendant at each step of the criminal process. A defendant faces the potential loss of certain freedoms and more, if found guilty of a crime. Mr. Sudar brings an understanding of both sides of the law to each case, having worked as a Deputy District Attorney for L.A. County where he prosecuted hundreds of criminal cases. Due to his toughness, integrity, honesty and ability to get the best possible case outcome for clients he has earned the respect of prosecutors and judges. You can learn more at http://www.SanGabrielCriminalDefenseAttorney.com.