
The primary focus of the Roen Financial Report website is to follow the global trend that is shifting away from an economy overly dependent on foreign oil and polluting coal, and toward alternative energy technologies. The Roen Financial Report then picks the best companies for the long-term investor based on projected patterns, company health, and other factors.

The Roen Financial Report website distills important financial data into clear, useful information. Timely, actionable recommendations are included, allowing subscribers to make informed decisions in today’s volatile environment. The Roen Financial Report takes the long view of investing, avoiding the pitfalls of short term buying and selling, or risky derivative trades.  

Here at the Roen Financial Report, we filter through numerous economic mainstream and specialty media reports, looking for clear, dependable information. Key economic data such as interest rates, investor sentiment, earnings and debt, are constantly monitored to discern vital long-term market trends.

No one at Swiftwood Press LLC acts as a financial adviser or broker for any investment product. The content you receive strives to be unbiased information so that you, the reader, can make better investment decisions.