About |
This is the website of the SE Europe Geoscience Foundation (SEEGF). We are a not-for-profit Foundation with a mandate to promote excellence in Earth and Environmental research and education in SE Europe. The SEEGF holds conferences and seminars with respected invited lecturers, sponsors other regional conferences and provides grants to graduate students in the region. We are presently preparing the 2009 program.
The purpose of the Foundation is to enhance education and research in the geological sciences in SE Europe. The geosciences are a broad field of study having impact on our daily lives. It is the study of many aspects of the environment in which we live and work and the mineral resources we remove from the earth
The Foundation will achieve its aims by:
Holding conferences and field trips to bring together international and local geoscientists to bring world's best practice and knowledge to the region;
Providing annual grants for students to complete MSc and PhD studies at the leading universities in SE Europe;
Establishing new degree courses in Environmental Geology in existing Geoscience departments at leading SE Europe Universities;
Assisting with infrastructure for teaching and research in universities in SE Europe and may provide research and travel grants for established researchers in SE Europe academic institutions;
Preparing public education information on the Geosciences and assist with the implementation of high school Geoscience education.
The foundation is funded by industry both directly and through participation in conferences, workshops and field trips. 2006 will be a very exciting and rewarding year for the foundation - come and join us.