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Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform on the following website https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/sumneg. The information necessary for submittals is included there. The use of this resource facilitates tracking the status of the manuscript through the website. Upon submittal of the manuscript, the author will receive a notification of receipt.
Within a week the Editor will decide if the article can continue in the assessment process. In a period of 45 days on average will be reported on the result of evaluation of the article (rejected, accepted, require minor revisions or require major revisions).
The decision will be informed from the concepts of at least two anonymous peers (experts in the field), they could be national or international reviewers. Regardless of the concept of pairs, the final decision on the inclusion or not of the article in the journal will be borne by the Publisher.
Once issued the judgment on the acceptance of the work, authors will have 15 days to make changes, if necessary. In the event of major changes, the article will be forwarded again to the peer review.
When the article is approved, the author gives the publishing rights to SUMNEG, so you will be sent a form of copyright, without which you cannot advance in the publishing process.
The best paper of the edition shall be selected in each issue. The members of the Editorial Committee shall be in charge of said appointment, and the winning paper shall receive a special mention in the issue.
For the avoidance of doubt, submitting an article does not oblige the editorial board to publish it.