
We are the Saudi Test-Prep Network.  We are professional Americans and Britons who live and work in Saudi Arabia.  We are experienced English language instructors who have come together to help provide information and services related to the TOEFL® test.

We want to see our neighbors, friends, colleagues, and clients here in Saudi Arabia achieve their goals on the TOEFL test.

We work together to develop educational programs that help Saudis reach their goals for the TOEFL iBT test.  We have developed the “Plus 20″ Initiative for Saudi Arabia, which includes a great 80-hour preparation program for the TOEFL test and many skill workshops and clinics.  We push these programs into schools and universities and train and certify teachers to use them effectively with great results.

We produce unique resources for students and teachers.

We have also offered free live classes online! (in preparation for the TOEFL test)

We have even offered over SR 50,000 in test preparation scholarships, which have assisted many candidates for the TOEFL test in Saudi Arabia in offsetting the costs of preparing for the TOEFL exam.

Follow us on Twitter: @SaudiTestPrep

TOEFL® is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This product is not endorsed or approved by ETS.