
Established on 14th February 1992, the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) was set-up as a response to the Malaysian Government’s call for closer co-operation between the government and private sector to overcome the short supply as well as upgrade the quality and skill levels of the human resource in the State of Selangor. SHRDC rose to the challenge with the strategic provision of technical and technological training in the competency format.

SHRDC rose to the challenge with the strategic provision of technical and technological training in the competency format and has taken significant strides forward and established itself as an answer for the call of the private sector and government to overcome the challenges of skilled manpower shortage in Selangor. SHRDC training’s system has evolved to meet the industry demand and it is highly responsive, flexible and caters for every “trainable” working employee.

With its base in Shah Alam, Selangor’s capital city, SHRDC on the one hand establishes smart partnership with leading corporations in manufacturing and other technology sectors in Malaysia to help identify and promote appropriate human resource development needs. On the other hand, it connects itself with professional institutions in the vocational education and training industry worldwide. The initiative gives the Centre a strategic advantage to bring latest technological innovations in human resource development to serve the state-of-art skills demand of the industries. Moreover, the alliances enable SHRDC to access the intellectual and technological resources from both ends.

Strive to be the Benchmarked Centre of Excellence for Competency-Based Learning in Malaysia.

To enable performance improvement in individual and organizational of the manufacturing and services industries through the development of competencies