About |
Personalselfdefenseequipment.com was launched in 2011 by William Lee. It was developed with the intent to help men and women reduce their chances of being a victim of a crime by using “non-lethal” self defense products like stun guns or pepper sprays. Our surveillance equipment & hidden camera products will help defend your residential or commercial property from theft and other petty crimes.
Top 4 reasons to buy self defense products/surveillance equipment
• Heighten safety concern because of sluggish economy
• Gives you peace of mind & security
• Easy to use and/or install
• Not readily available in stores
Our Vision
Personal Self Defense Equipment’s vision is to be the most recognized self-defense name in the industry and be the largest provider in high-end value products to residential clients.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide high value merchandise at an affordable price to clients that will deem it worthy to entrust with their lives.
Our Goals
Our goal is to raise the standards set forth by the industry and continues to publish invaluable information that will increase the odds of survival.