
Shamans Camp is an annual festival camp for traveling shamans, shamanic artists, practitioners, students, friends, and the shaman curious at the Fairgrounds in Hotchkiss, Colorado. This gathering of shamans features ceremonies, sweat lodges, workshops,  journeying lodge, drum circles and more. Camping is by donation to the Fairgrounds. Large tent site near the river and 20 RV sites with electricity.  Shamanic performers, storytellers, and musicians are encouraged to sign up for Open Mic which runs most of the day on the main stage.

If you need to make a bit of money while you are at Shamans Camp, we offer 10' x 10' healer & vendor booths w/tables and chairs, or space outside near the main stage area. Presenters, vendors, healers and Open Mic performers get a free promotional video interview with Talk Story Media.