
SlabStitch Concrete Repair was initially focused primarily on research and development and several re-incarnations of products.  

Industry leaders from all fields look for state of the art products and processes to keep one step ahead of the competition, and there has been a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the successful application of concrete repair products in the past.
SlabStitch brought a unique perspective to the field because the founders came from very different backgrounds and industries: mechanical engineering and manufacturing, and product development and construction. As a result, SlabStitch Concrete Repair Systems bridged the gap between two different fields and business models. In the manufacturing industry, which includes processing plants, pumps, motors, and impellers; specialty engineered parts must be perfect and of the highest quality. On the other hand, the construction industry has always functioned on schedule and quality; how fast can the job be done right.

The goal of SlabStitch has been and remains, the combination of these variables in our product lines to create quality products that deliver performance unsurpassed in the Construction industry.