
“Smiley Children Society” a NGO spreads happiness among the hopeless & poorer families with Education, Food, Clothing, Medical & Orphan help.

The Founder Mr. Prudhvi Moses started his first donation of Note books from his own pocket money ₹36 INR ( 50 CENTS) to a poor boy in his locality at the age of 12 (in the year 2007 ), when he was in his 7th grade, from that day charity has started. Later with the help of his school friends he collected money and purchased full kit (books, pencils, sharpner, eraser, ruler, crayons) which costed around ₹375INR (5USD) slowly these charity activities begun to take its wings in different forms.

Helping the poor and sharing whatever he had, made him feel happy and now, In year 2008, Mr. Prudhvi Moses and his classmates (seven members) have decided to donate exam kits to few poor kids who were not even able to afford the basic essentials. From the year 2009, Mr. Prudhvi Moses and 8 of his friends started taking care of 4 children completely till the kids have reached their 10th grade.

Taking this forward to the Municipal Commissioner and with his help Mr. Prudhvi Moses and his team started to trace out un-educated children in the slum area and has given the data to the Municipal Commissioner. Using this date the Commissioner & his team from the Government have counselled the uneducated children’s parents & 80% children have joined Government schools for education. Today each of that child has bloomed into engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers and various other professions.