
Friends in Solidarity (FiS) is the ministry-based U.S. partner of Solidarity with South Sudan, an international initiative dedicated to empowering Sudanese refugees and fostering sustainable development. Our mission is to support and uplift communities in South Sudan through comprehensive programs in education, healthcare, agriculture, and pastoral care.

Education: FiS provides training and resources for teachers, enhancing the quality of education and creating brighter futures for young Sudanese students.

Healthcare: Our healthcare initiatives focus on training nurses and midwives, improving medical care, and ensuring healthier communities.

Agriculture: FiS promotes sustainable farming practices, helping communities achieve food security and self-sufficiency through modern agricultural techniques.

Pastoral Care: We offer spiritual and emotional support to refugees, fostering hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Our efforts have a profound impact on the lives of Sudanese refugees, providing them with the tools and resources they need to rebuild their lives and communities. Through our work, we aim to create sustainable change and empower individuals to thrive despite the challenges they face.

We invite you to join us in making a difference. Visit our website to learn more about our programs, read inspiring success stories, and discover how you can get involved. (www.solidarityfriends.org)

For media inquiries, interviews, or more information about Friends in Solidarity, please email communications@solidarityfriends.org. We are eager to share our story and highlight the transformative impact of our programs.