
The founder and owner, A Val JuLian, is also the CEO of this innovative club. She is a very active spunky senior residing in New York City and Upstate NY. After following her dreams by becoming a certified scuba diver, downhill skier, rock climber, sailor, race car driver and most recently a skydiver, she founded this amazing club.  With all seniors in mind, the Spunky Seniors Club redefines the word “senior”, not as a pejorative, but as a new stage of life. At the age of 50+, Val is still going strong and has traveled the world seeking and enjoying new adventures and working out 3-4 times per week. She would like to find and share more adventures with you as she and the Spunky Seniors Club move into their golden years within the 12 Regions of New York State and beyond. By the end of the year, we will be venturing into New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) as well as New Jersey and Pennsylvania, eventually expanding nationwide.

Val started her journey by working on this club in the summer of 2012. For this very active senior, there just wasn’t enough fun and excitement readily available for the 50+ crowds without exhaustive internet searches. With this in mind, she began to choose the adventures, the fun places, and the good times for you.

Just sit back, choose your area, and what you wish to do within our One-Stop-Resource Center. Don't fret; you’ll have the ability to connect with other 50+, seniors and boomers through our online forum to discuss topics of interest.  Become a mentor to our younger generation; engage in contests, and much more throughout the Hudson Valley NY and other regions coming soon.

If you’re not an active senior, we want you to know, we didn’t forget you. You can still be as young as you feel by choosing a multitude of activities we have chosen especially for you, such as solving puzzles, trivia and contests. Now that you know about us, get started by joining the Spunky Seniors Club, adding your input and becoming a part of our ever changing and exciting active club.

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint and that voice 
will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh