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The Instinctive Weight Loss System provides all the solutions for combating obesity using the power of the human mind. The Instinctive Weight Loss System addresses all aspects of losing weight and living a healthy life, to include: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social and environmental issues.
Unlike the majority of diet books, this challenges its listeners to find their true identity and experience life as a thin person from the inside out. It tackles issues that other diet books fail to address. Identity, fears, beliefs, emotions, and traumas are just some of the areas covered within its audio tracks. Doctors, scientists, researchers and businesses have spent billions of dollars and decades of research attempting to find external solutions to the obesity epidemic. An external solution is as far away today as it was a decade ago. The true solution does not reside with an outside influence. The answer lies in the depths of the minds and the hearts of each individual who is a victim of the epidemic. This is precisely where the Instinctive Weight Loss System targets.
A government study has proven that 95% of people who go on a diet regain their weight within 3 years. Today, 34% of adult men and women are obese, and 64% are overweight. Despite the increase in money spent each year on diet books, the number of people reaching the overweight threshold is escalating. This audio book was developed for the 204 million adult men and women who don't know where else to turn.
Even with the overwhelming evidence of dieting statistics, men and women continue to invest in fad diets and risky programs. They do so because they believe they have no other options. I beg to differ. Treating weight struggles with a diet or exercise plan is comparable to treating cancer with pain medications. It alleviates symptoms but does not address the source. Overeating, unhealthy food choices and lack of exercise are merely the tools the unconscious mind uses to create self sabotaging behavior. So why does the mind utilize food and lack of activity to create this type of behavior when one wants to lose weight? The answer to this question is the secret to life long weight loss and is found inside of this system.
The source of weight struggles for the majority of failed dieters is a result of the way they think on a daily basis. The way one thinks about food, their bodies, and their chances of success directly correlates with their bodyweight, and this form of negative thinking has been embedded and reinforced in the mind beginning at early childhood. What if someone could eat healthier without knowing? What if they automatically had the urge to exercise consistently and not know it? The Instinctive Weight Loss System provides a 6 point approach that will make this inevitable by reconditioning the mind to eliminate negative programming and instill new perceptions and habits at the deepest levels. This audio book will help to transform the inner dialogue, lift spirits, provide all the secrets for successful weight loss and inspire the listener to explore their mind. This will compel them to take instinctive actions to lose weight without conscious thought.
Hypnotherapy has been used for weight loss for decades. Only recently has the western society embraced it as a valuable and effective tool for losing weight. Damien Young brilliantly reveals the secrets behind this phenomena and how it can transform the lives of even the most difficult of cases. This audio book contains information that cannot be found elsewhere, and will give the listener a plethora of tools to utilize for life long weight loss success.
(Approximate Product Length – 7 hours 35 minutes)