
Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd (PSI) a member of Ambah Group is the leading sterile injectable manufacturer in Middle East and Africa. Its manufacturing facilities in Saudi Arabia are GMP certified and equipped with the latest production technologies with over 40 years of proven reliable experience worldwide in contract manufacturing of parenteral solutions in plastic and glass bottles, plastic bags, as well as plastic ampoules.

In the recent past, Ambah/PSI has developed the first Ibuprofen intravenous (IV) infusion in the world (400mg/100ml). Successfully registered as Ambaprofen and Ambafen (Ibuprofen 400mg/100ml IV Infusion) through the health authorities in Germany, Spain, and Saudi Arabia, its patent has been granted by the European Patent Office (EPO patent no: 2636406) and United States Patent and Trademark Office (uspto Patent No: US 9351926 B2) for its dosage form with the approval of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). To know more about Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry (PSI), visit the site at www.psiltd.com