
We create unique websites for large and small businesses alike, with quality and personal service Guaranteed. Here at Summer Tree Designs we offer simple, straight forward solutions to your web site needs. We believe that simplicity can sometimes make a more powerful statement than overly complex, and sometimes visually confusing web sites. Our goal is to give your web audience the information they are looking for far better than unnecessary bells and whistles. While we are capable of providing website solutions of any size, we also offer very affordable prices. As a matter of fact our prices are so good that many of our clients provide us with unsolicited bonuses at the end of a project because they are so impressed with our work and attention to detail.

We do not outsource our work to teams in other countries, you will be dealing with US based employees only. We've found that our clients appriciate this and that it removes language barrier caused issues from the equation.

We enjoy providing very personal customer service to our clients to assure that all of your needs and concerns will be met. It's important to us that our customers feel as if they always come first, that they are happy with our final product, and that they have a comprehensive understanding of all deliverables before we conclude a project.