
Americans are fat.  I know, having fought the battle for a long time.  There are a number of factors that contribute but the bottom line is this:  we eat more calories than we burn.  Period.

Sugar is one of the reasons we eat too much.  Processed food manufacturers began adding sugar to many foods after WWII in an attempt to 'hook' the children.  I remember this happening with breakfast cereals.  Well, it worked.  Thus, sugar, high fructose corn syrup and other unnecessary, unneeded and in some cases, down right damaging substances were added to food to entice people to buy more.  

Let's reverse this cycle.  Stop adding sugar to your food at home.  Stop cooking with sugar.  Start buying JAJA Stevia and using it at home, at the office.  Ask for it by name or visit us at  our website.  SummitStevia.com.