About |
Early beginnings
I began my career in graphic design when I was 12 years old – because of golf. My dad was the tournament chairman for the Los Alamitos Men’s Golf Club. It was his religion, his second family. I would watch him late into the night lovingly hand-lettering posters for each tournament with all of the headlines and rules neatly written.
This was before computers, so you either hand-painted or drew letters, or you purchased rub-off letters to burnish into place. He would measure, rough it out in pencil and do his final in Marks-A-Lot. The entire family room had that thick marker smell at tournament time. He would accent the posters with his colorful illustrations of turkeys for the Turkey Shoot, rifles for Shotgun Starts and other “clever” golf graphics. I was his apprentice, watching, learning and being so proud of how talented my dad was (and being proud of his dedication to the project).
My background is primarily in PR/Marketing & Advertising. I've been in it since 1985. I have taken a couple of detours: I had an antique business BEFORE eBay - ahhh, those were the days for pickers to drive, discover, procure, and resell. The HUNT for the TREASURES. Jumped out of that, back into marketing and then another detour into retail. I had a fine art gallery in Laguna Beach from 1992-1996. Enough retail and I dove back into PR which led me to the Internet, website design, marketing and tying it all together. Content, beautiful content, thoughtful writing and images. I was home.
This is where I fit:
Graphic design for all social media venues and branding, includes logo design/packages.
Training materials, including custom videos for your tasks, software, customers.
Event ideas, planning, promotion - especially as it relates to strategic volunteering.
15|30|60 second spots for your site - intros, quick sound bites, PSAs
Converting your audio files, podcasts, radio shows to video and helping to write the recap.
Helping you gather your online access for social media and cleaning up how they all go together and work with your site content and overall message.
Trade Show event interviews and promotions.