
In a twist of fate, a British woman, who escaped domestic violence and sought refuge in Canada, is now facing a new kind of hardship. A victim of red tape, she has been unable to secure her position in the country, despite public promises from the Canadian government her immigration case has been stalled for over ten months, causing significant personal and professional hardship. This situation raises questions about how ethical the Canadian immigration policies are and their genuine commitment to human rights.

The woman, whose identity is kept confidential for her safety, fled Britain with her child, hoping to rebuild their lives in Canada, a nation known for its welcoming policies and commitment to human rights. She secured employment in Ottawa, looking forward to a fresh start. However, her dreams have been clouded by unethical back door policies that have resulted in halting all, but a handful of work permits from being approved.

Public Policy V’s back door inaction
Immigrants are vital contributors to Canada's social fabric and economy. The stalled immigration case is also depriving Ottawa of specialist skills in sustainability and carbon reduction. The situation serves as a stark reminder of the need for the Trudeau government to make and honor long term immigration policies, rather than pandering to short term campaigning objectives, which is devastating lives.

This unfortunate turn of events has threatened the safety and stability she was promised in Canada, forcing her and her daughter into a precarious situation.

Broken Promises
This case raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of Canadian immigration policies. It calls into question the Canadian government's commitment to providing a safe haven for survivors of domestic abuse. The current situation creates an impression of Canada as a country that fails to uphold its promises, particularly those made to individuals seeking safety.
The case serves as a reminder that bureaucratic red tape can have far-reaching implications, not only impacting individuals but also potentially tarnishing Canada's global reputation. It is a call to action for the Canadian government to uphold its commitment to the rights and well-being of immigrants.

“Canada was meant to be a refuge, for us, but it’s become a massive source of distress. I feel deceived and let down by a government that publicly claims to support vulnerable women fleeing abuse”
“Migrating to Canada, isn’t the land of opportunity, the Canadian government are deliberately pushing people into hardship”
“British people should not consider coming here”

It is hoped that the Canadian government will take swift action to rectify this situation. demonstrate that the promises made by the government are not empty words but reflect a genuine commitment to the values Canada holds dear.


Natalie Waugh