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Online merchants strive to increase their product visibility by creating multiple merchants accounts on different marketplaces and stores (Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Bigcommerce, etc). While this increases their product visibility and subsequent sales significantly, a whole new set of problems arise: managing these multiple accounts, inventory and order management, competitive pricing, customer support, and bookkeeping among other sales tasks. The different channels also result in fragmented data and makes it difficult to scale the business. The solution to this nightmare is SynCommerce.
SynCommerce is a SaaS application that allows merchants to manage their inventory and orders from one centralized dashboard. Additionally, SynCommerce mines sales, marketplace performance, and consumer behavior data from across all a merchant’s stores, which empowers the merchant to make strategic decisions regarding stocking, pricing, and promotional activities.
When merchants connect their accounts to SynCommerce, it automatically pulls in all their inventory, propagate them to the chosen channels, and keep all data up to date at all times. It also gives notifications of orders, stock levels, and customer engagement.
In short, SynCommerce increases sales efficiency, reduces operational cost, and equips merchants with the actionable business intelligence.