
Many of you have dreams of becoming a pro wrestler – live your dream. Attend a pro wrestling training school. Don’t think you can’t live your dream? Think again! Look at Matt Hyson AKA Spike Dudley and Brother Runt who has wrestled in ECW, WWE and TNA.He lived his dream… It didn’t come easy.
Not many schools take that extra step above training but at Monster Wrestling School, we do get involved in your career. Our staff books you on events here locally and other top Indies like ICW Wrestling. We played a huge part in the marketing of talents.
You too can live your dream! Pro Wrestling isn’t for everyone. Don’t get in it for the money alone. Get in it for the love of the sport and you will go much further in this industry. Pick out the best wrestling school that fits your needs.

Monster Factory Training School is India’s First Professional Wrestling School who’s aim is to develop best from the country. We also have planning to give them all a whole new platform to perform in front of Indian wrestling fans on local level.

We also have plan give our student chance to  get contract with Indian Championship Wrestling (ICW) which is one of the best and first professional wrestling fedration in the country.