About |
TeamBuilding ROI is based in Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We deliver unique, fun, and effective team building programs and training & development to North and Southern California. We work at the finest corporate retreat centers, hotels, resorts, and wineries in the world. We can even come facilitate on your campus!
TBROI was created in 2011. Our founders came from varied backgrounds in the Organizational Development, Corporate and Social Events, Entertainment, and Education industries. The combination of those disciplines has elevated us to the top of the team building business. We create effective, fun, and memorable group programs that leave a lasting impression..for all of the right reasons!
Whether you have a newly-formed team that has never participated in a team building event or a veteran group that is very familiar with team activities, we will customize a program that suits your needs and will provide fun and effective learning. The best team building event doesn’t end when everyone goes home. Instead, the learning transfer and retention should last well into the future, until it is time to try another great TBROI program!
Contact us today at (855)-TEAMROI or info@tbroi.com and find out why TeamBuilding ROI is the Bay Area’s leader in the industry…TBROI to the Rescue!