
Teenager Entrepreneur, an educational and empowerment training course, is built on the principle of helping teenagers transcend their current state and become extraordinary by learning how to think like an entrepreneur. Teenager Entrepreneur directs teenagers vivacity through our four pillars of progress---Passion, Product, Promote and Propel.

Teenager Entrepreneur curriculum is offered at the Fordham University Gabelli School of Business this July in the form of an intensive, in-person Boot Camp with the added student benefit of direct contact with the founders. Students learn how to think like an entrepreneur, experience the collegiate atmosphere, boost their college portfolio, utilize social media business tactics, create digital and physical products, explore marketing techniques, and improve their confidence while networking with like-minded teenagers.  The online educational video series teaches worldwide students and connects them with like-minded teenagers in a private membership community.

Our mission is to revolutionize teenagers' orientations as well as change both their global and self perception while empowering them with confidence, knowledge and the tools to succeed.

The Founders, Michael and Marc, have been featured in the Westchester Business Journal, U.S. News and World Report, Yahoo Small Business Advisor, Business to Community, other popular business outlets, have authored multiple books, and are sought-after international speakers, featured guests on live tv and Practical Talk TV segments, and have won the prestigious business Rule Breakers Award.