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North Canaan, CT – The Knights Templar of America, the U.S. Grand Priory of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jerusalem (OSMTJ) has located their national headquarters in North Canaan, CT.
The U.S. chapter of the OSMTJ has priories or regional territories in almost every state with more than 550 members. This number grows daily as Christians face persecution worldwide while also facing spiritual battles in their own lives each day.
“North Canaan had a beautiful church that has been part of their community for nearly 160 years, despite having to close several years ago because of a declining and aging congregation,” said Timothy Bryant Jones, Grand Prior for the U.S. organization. “We saw the beauty of the facility and the fact that we have so many of our members within driving distance of the headquarters that the Lord just impressed upon us that the
time is now.”
In addition to the headquarters offering a place for Christians of all
denominations to come together with a common goal of serving Christ in worship, the facility will eventually house a museum of artifacts donated by members who are connected to the organization, worldwide.
“As Templars today, we are focused on building our relationship with Jesus
Christ and growing Christian leaders in protestant, evangelical, catholic and orthodox congregations across our great nation, however we cannot deny the connection we have to the original 12 Templars who gave their very lives to protect Christians who were travelling to the Holy Land,” said Jones.
While many may equate the Knights Templar with Masonic origins, The Knights Templar of America is not connected in any way to the Freemasons and in some cases, involvement in freemasonry can actually preclude a member from advancing in rank. “We exist much like a ministerial alliance would exist in your own community, but
we are made up of people from all walks of life, not just the clergy.
The original Templars were monks before they were warriors and we maintain that ideal today, though our current battles are far more focused on the spiritual battles taking place in our culture,” said Jones.
Membership in The Knights Templar of America is restricted to those individuals who identify as Christians and who hold to a belief in the three creeds traditionally held
by congregations for centuries including the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed. While those with felony convictions are welcome to apply, those with criminal records are restricted in the level of rank they can attain within the military-type command structure. While the group is apolitical, they stand strong on Biblical instruction surrounding moral issues.
“We want our communities across the nation to know that we are not a
denomination ourselves, but we are made up Christian denominations that share our common mission of growing in the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ,” said Jones.
To learn more about the Knights Templar of America, you may go to their main website at www.theknightstemplar.org or to apply, visit their simplified landing page located at www.ktoa.org.