About |
The Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation is a professional organization dedicated to providing consumer safety and protection by offering credentialing to those concerned with the prevention of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). CAOHC’s Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationists (COHC), Certified Professional Supervisors of the Audiometric Monitoring Program (CPS/A), and Course Directors (CD), all provide training, consultation, audiometric testing, and hearing protection fitting in a variety of occupational settings including manufacturing plants, mobile health testing vans, occupational health clinics, and other facilities where there is high exposure to noise.
The Mission of CAOHC is to promote hearing loss prevention by enhancing the quality of occupational hearing loss prevention practices with particular focus on:
- Providing oversight and support to those who train hearing conservationists (Course Directors (CD)), those who practice hearing loss prevention (Occupational Hearing Conservationists (OHC)) and those who supervise OHCs and interpret problem audiograms (Certified Professional Supervisors of the Audiometric Monitoring Program (CPS/A)).
- Increasing quality and consistency among hearing loss prevention programs