
The Farm BPI is dedicated to helping young players learn the game of baseball & softball, and reach their fullest athletic potential. We offer a unique and dynamic approach to developmental baseball training. We achieve this through offering a combination of travel and prospect teams, offseason development programs, individualized instruction, and skills camps. By offering a diverse set of learning opportunities, we are able to implement our detailed skill development curriculum to individuals looking for any level of training - from joining our full travel team program, to performing offseason lessons, to even participating in our offseason training programs to prepare for your own high school or town ball program.  We’ll work with you to develop an individualized plan.

Our comprehensive curriculum covers all aspects of baseball & softball skill development, from injury-free throwing and pitching to the intricate mechanics of proper fielding, and becoming a game-changing catcher. Our instructors and coaches teach the professional baseball swing, the one performed by professional, big league hitters, with an emphasis on learning how to generate force with the entire body. Our approach combines the proven methods of traditional baseball coaching with cutting-edge bio-mechanical science.

Our goal is to combine both fundamental player development skills with performance enhancement training to help the athlete of any current skill level advance their athletic career to the next level of play, whether that be high school, college, or professional baseball. At The Farm BPI, all skill levels are welcome, from the highly touted collegiate recruit to the tee-ball novice - if you bring the passion, we'll bring the knowledge and application! We place an emphasis on the player and team development process rather than simply showcasing skills. It is our belief that this approach allows the development of talent for a wide variety of skill levels, ensuring that players new to the game develop the appropriate fundamental skills while the more advanced players have the ability to take their game to the next level.