About |
The Green Divas is an international well-branded, go-to source for people in search of fresh ideas for sustainable living. We recently launched the GDGD Radio Network—the very first digital radio network dedicated to green and healthy living—with the mission of amplifying the voice of green reason. GDGD radio shows include Chicago based Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis and The Mike Nowak Show! Mrs. Green’s World, Before You Leap (by The Center for Environmental Health), and our very own Green Divas Radio Show are also on the network with Mariel Hemingway’s Running with Nature and Yale Climate Connections to be added soon.
The Green Divas Radio show has attracted an impressive roster of high-profile green divas and dudes (including Ed Begley, Jessica Alba, Fran Drescher and Mariel Hemingway), environmental and sustainability experts, natural health nuts and creative foodies.
We're committed to raising awareness about green issues in a humorous, low-stress way and making it easy for anyone to live a greener lifestyle.