
TimelyPick - A dynamic social-news website, displays fresh results of 20 current popular posts from around the web by topic.
TimelyPick meets the problem of feeling drowning in information, but still need to stay updated. The TimelyPick's layout enables you to stay updated at a glance in topics like science, general news, animals, tech, marketing, fashion etc.

The uniqueness of TimelyPick is the way it combines gamification elements:

Each topic has 4 hour vote cycle in which the visitors play a trivia game and vote on 3 of the curated popular picks, which they think, will be the most voted ones.
After voting for the third pick a voter can find how close his votes are with the current results.
The final voting results, which were chosen by the wisdom of the crowd, will be displayed for the next 4 hours.

The second unique gamification element is by playing online Solitaire games. Timelypick is taking the Klondike card game and the Spider games to the next level: On the standard pack of 52 playing cards you will find the current popular picks of your best topic from Timelypick page.