
Topmovierankings.com provides genuine rankings on different categories of Film industry. Currently we focus on Indian film industry, specifically Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam. In order to avoid spammers we disabled the option to create list by our users, but we encourage our users to suggest their opinion on each rankings. We will definitely consider valid suggestions from our users. As a process of becoming a benchmark for true rankings in movie field, we provide interactive system based on unique IP address.

Our system supports only one vote for one entry, means we don't persuade our users to do negative voting on any of the entries. Our voting engine, 'Ballot', would like your true opinion as an input in the process of generating honest rankings. Once you have made a vote for an entry, it is irreversible. Since social media is an integral part of present day, we provide option to share your opinions on each entry with your friends and family. If you have an account in either Google or Facebook you can join a group of prestigious individuals to contribute to genuine rankings easily. We support email based sign up in our system also. All your votes will be examined by our expert system daily for making ranking corrections by removing spams. Similarly system will refine the votes to update the ranking positions for each entry.

We are happy to educate our users with unique information related to each films, directors or actors. Visit our blog page to read more about interesting facts and rank based articles. Our dedicated writers are happy to recieve your response on each of their articles.

We have categoried our rankings based on languages so that people can browse according to their interests and also launching language based websites for our users is on cards. If you are looking for a specific rankings in our site, our search feature is a quick solution for you. Our interactive and auto suggestion search engine brings you the best results for your query in a short span of time.