
TRICYCLIC supports oil and gas operations worldwide by providing high quality training, consultancy and turn-key laboratory supply services.

Tricyclic Limited offer bespoke laboratory training, competency assessment, consultancy, technical authoring of laboratory procedures and laboratory auditing solutions to the oil and gas industry.

Training courses are tailored specifically to suit client requirements and our competency assessment system for oilfield laboratory personnel is unique in that it is approved by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (
Regular auditing of field laboratories can ensure that personnel are following correct procedures.
Thorough auditng can result gains in production or efficiencies, and losses can be reduced benefiting all concerned.

In addition, Tricyclic Limited also provides turn-key laboratory supply services.
Effectively we design, build, and supply a complete field laboratory, including all test equipment, consumables and chemicals, commission the unit in the field and train personnel in the correct operation of all equipment.


Turn-key laboratory, Complete Support Service, Technical Authoring, Training