
My 36 award winning books are published internationally in numerous languages by houses including Scholastic, Random and Bloomsbury. For details please visit my web site at http://www.troonharrison.com or view my books on Amazon.

I am a freelance editor, a ghost-writer, and a creative writing Instructor at the Institute of Children's Literature (CT, USA) where I have taught for 14 years. I offer manuscript evaluation services.

I have a Bachelor of English Literature, a Bachelor of Sociology, and a Bachelor of Education.

My published work spans a range of age groups from 4 years old to teenagers/adults and includes picture books, stories for digital apps, and novels. I write both nonfiction and fiction in a wide range of genres including science fiction, fantasy, contemporary and historical. I write freelance and as work-for-hire, and create series and single titles. Publishers, book packagers, and individual clients appreciate my courteous professionalism.