
Tutors International is a worldwide organization providing experienced private tutors to work with children of all ages and nationalities.  Tutors are available for full-time tutoring positions, for major support and tutoring outside school hours, or for home-schooling.

Tutors International provide tutors in a wide variety of situations from helping students re-take critical exams, helping pupils with the transition of moving between international school systems, and supporting youngsters with AD/HD and dyslexia.  They provide a bespoke service to find the right tutor that suits the child’s needs and aspirations, and if a live-in tutor is required, it is essential that the assigned tutor is the right match for the family and fits in the environment.

Tutors International was founded by Adam Caller who has tutored students of all ages.  He has received specialist training in dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder and is very sensitive to children’s educational difficulties.  He has now turned this expertise to recruiting, training and placing other tutors to help families.