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E-mails about your company (product or services) can find new clients or target your required business companies. You can increase your business through Bulk E-mail Marketing Set up at your office. Design or the message about your product or service profile you want to send will be automatically send by our bulk E-mail Software one by one and individually to more than 300,000 of UAE Company and Personal E-mail Addresses. The speed of sending E-mails depends upon the speed of the internet connection and the size of your message or design. You can also categorize and send to different categories ie, travel & tourism, Restaurants, Oil field Supplies, Manufacturing etc.. or by Zonal category ie, Different emirates like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah etc.. through Our UAE Email Database which is in Excel Format with Telephone, P.O. Box, Fax and web addresses. E-mail marketing is very easy to use and economical and 100 % guaranteed returns from it.
* Over 300,000 listed companies and Individuals Email ID's
* Entire database in MS Excel Format
* Data categorized by the nature of business
* All Free Zone companies in UAE
* Can be imported to Ms Outlook, Winfax, Outlook Express etc.
* Increase your sales.
* Low-cost: you only need to pay the net cost.
* Easy-operation: you do not need much computer knowledge.
* Including a Powerfull Mass Mailing Software