
U-Mate International Inc. is an Arizona corporation organized in 1997 by Dennis Yellowhorse Jones, a 24-year Paradise Valley resident, to encourage and support the active use of organic compounds as soil additives and soil resources for the better growth and development of most varieties of plants and possible uses as a soil remediation tool.
U-Mate International holds rights to large tracts of land in northwest New Mexico where known deposits of fulmic, ulmic and humic acids, as well as other organic compounds, are found. Collectively, these compounds are referred to as "humate."
The land rights are in areas where large quantities of superior quality humate is found.
Humate is extracted from the ground, pulverized, placed in granular form and packaged or mixed into solution and sold under various trade names including U-Mate™, Humate in Action™, Bio-U-Mate™, New-Mex U-Mate™, New-Mex Humate™, PetMate™ and DairyMate™.
U-Mate International Inc. is in an enviable position because its mining operations, processing site and transportation facility are located in the Gallup, N.M. area. U-Mate International Inc. has the flexibility of both rail transportation and motor freight. Its processing facility is on a rail siding and it is located only a few miles from I-40, the California, Arizona and Mexican markets are readily accessible from this location.

U-Mate International Inc. CEO Dennis Yellowhorse Jones is available for media interviews, customer inquiries and general information.
U-Mate International Inc.
Dennis Yellowhorse Jones
9100 N. Morning Glory Rd.
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Phone: 602-531-9100
Email: info@humate.com
Web: http://www.humate.com
Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/UMateInternational
Twitter: twitter.com/@UMatehumate