About |
Pog Apparel is an online retailer of fine apparel and accessories from Ireland and the UK. We feature renowned makers of knitwear, tweed, jewelry & fine leather goods . We are your source for lambswool, alpaca, cashmere, linen, cotton & other natural fiber clothing. Visitors to the site find Irish Aran Cable sweaters, tweed coats, vests and hats, alpaca, merino and cashmere scarves. They'll find women's dress shoes, handcrafted leather bags, Irish Flannel pyjamas, grandfather shirts, and much more. We aim to support the dwindling numbers of handcrafters working in Ireland, particularly County Donegal to keep the tradition and art of knitting and weaving alive. At the same time, we are bringing to the world market, fantastic quality natural fiber clothing, much of which is made in a sustainable manor.