
Valerie’s House is named after founder Angela Melvin’s mother, Valerie Melvin, a 31-year old nurse and mother of two daughters who was killed in a tragic car accident in 1987 as she drove to pick up her girls from summer camp. Valerie’s oldest daughter, Angela, was just 10 years old at the time. The family struggled to cope with her sudden loss. Over the years, Angela sought opportunities to help grieving children cope with the loss of a loved one, finding there is still a huge void of counseling and support programs 28 years later. Following her heart, she founded Valerie’s House, Inc., a center for grieving children and families, to address this need and help them go on to lead fulfilling lives.    

Valerie’s House (www.valerieshouseswfl.org) welcomes the support and involvement of interested individuals in the community. The first of its kind in this area, the new nonprofit organization will be providing Southwest Florida with ongoing, community-based grief support services for children and families, where families will interact with others who have experienced similar kinds of losses.  

For more information or to get involved, submit a contact form at www.valerieshouseswfl.org/contact-us/ or contact Angela Melvin at 239-478-6734 or  angela@valerieshouseswfl.org.