
Vax-Immune Diagnostics has developed a unique platform technology that takes the lab to the patient, making the diagnosis of infection faster, easier, less expensive, and more accurate.  In an industry that has not changed its process for 85 years, LabReady® , Vax-Immune Diagnostics' medical device, revolutionizes the collection, processing, and transporting of samples for the identification of infection.

Problems arise around the uncertainty in the transport of the sample; it is a major issue with accuracy in diagnosis where up to 45 percent of microbiology tests of infections are inaccurate.

LabReady® for laboratories creates a new standard of diagnosis. Once the sample is in the LabReady bottle, it is protected while it processes, so when the sample arrives at the lab it takes 5 minutes to make the diagnosis.

Vax-Immune Diagnostics is developing two devices, LabReady® for laboratories, and MY LabReady®, an all in one device, allowing patients to collect their own culture, and know the results within minutes without leaving their home.

Vax-Immune has patents, and patents pending for their innovative solutions to rapidly diagnose, treat, and prevent infection. For more information, they can be contacted at info@vaximmune.com, or you can learn about Vax-Immune at http://www.vaximmune.com.