
Our philosophy is simple. As a company founded by a mother with over decades of experience and passion in education and swim and water safety, it is very clear to us that a professional swimmer does not make a professional swim teacher. The fact is, humans will learn best when we are calm, and what calms a child best? Play! At an early age child should constantly be engaged in play to more quickly absorb information and retain it. With so many standardized tests and memorization happening in schools, it is a relief to have such a fun and creative swim experience singing, playing games and using new toys.

We at Water Town firmly believe that every child can learn to love the water when it is taught properly. Forcing children for long periods of times to do something they are scared of is child abuse and harmful to the child. Yes, there are moments when we can push them to do better, but we cannot continue to shove them into uncomfortable situations ignoring their fears and disrespecting their decisions. Children are human beings and simply because they are smaller than us does not give us the right to ignore their feelings.

Other swim programs will constantly break trust with children by repeatedly shoving them under water the entire lesson. Other programs will put arm bands or floaties and simply take out the air. Who needs to pay for this? At Water Town, we are bringing puppets, slides, character diving toys, hoops, giant mats and boats. We sing songs that children already know to make them feel relaxed, we bring in new songs to spice up a class. We have new games all the time that get them laughing hysterically! Parents love our classes too for the constant change yet easy to follow model to easily see progress. But what parents love the most is that they understand that swimming is a mandatory life skill for their child and therefore, part of raising a well-rounded, educated and safe child. Our swim lessons not only teach children swimming but also safety. Our parents do not want their children to grow up and have a fear of water and not know how to swim whether on family vacations, birthday parties or just a trip to a pool or beach. Not knowing how to swim is a thing of a past for today's children and all children should be swimming before the age of 4 years old.