
We Buy Houses In Connecticut. Simple as that. We offer cash for houses in Connecticut and proceeds go to robotics research to better mankind. More specifically, exoskeleton robots that enable paraplegic people walk again. A lot more info available on our website under "Our Mission".

Our motivation and drive comes from the desire to help those in need!
We actually are the top ranking house buyers in CT and we are not just saying this. We are on the number 1 spot on Google, and we aim to remain there!

If you have a house you want to get rid off, and want a fair all cash offer on your house, please give us a call. Never pressure, always fair.

A bit about us you ask? But of course.

Jerryll is a Robotics scientist with an impressive background including NASA, IHMC, and the Italian Institute of Technology.
His expertise are in Robotic exoskeletons and bipedal humanoids.

Dixie is a degreed computer graphics designer, model, fitness and pilates instructor, and yoga teacher. Kind as she is beautiful.

Together, we are a force to be reckoned with. We are kind, funny compassionate, but you can see for yourself when you visit our website.

Come follow us, join us, get to know us, and let us see how we can be of help.
Hope to hear from you.

Dixie and Jerryll.