About |
TYPE OF SCHOOL — West Sound Academy is an independent college preparatory school serving students in grades 6-12.
LOCATION & CAMPUS — West Sound Academy is located on a wooded, 20-acre campus overlooking Liberty Bay in Poulsbo, Washington. The school's 4 buildings include classrooms, a library, a computer lab, 3 science labs, 3 teaching studios (art, dance, and music), an art gallery, and a Commons.
The outdoor setting and the magnificent views of the Olympic Mountains inspire students and staff. Outdoor facilities include an amphitheater, a playfield, and a sports court.
ACCREDITATION — International Baccalaureate World School, Diploma Programme; Northwest Accreditation Commission; Subscriber School, Pacific Northwest Association of Independent Schools.
ADMISSIONS — West Sound Academy admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin. Qualified students are those who have sound academic records, a sense of individuality, are motivated toward discovery, demonstrate integrity, and have an abiding interest in their world.
STUDENTS — West Sound Academy students typically come from all parts of the Kitsap Peninsula and Bainbridge Island, as well as from eastern Jefferson County. In line with our mission, approximately 17% of our student body is comprised of international students. West Sound Academy is a diverse community that affirms and values people's differences. We have a multiplicity of backgrounds and perspectives within our school family, and mutual appreciation and respect is encouraged in our students.
CLASS SIZE — Class sizes vary according to grade level and course, but are always designed to insure individual attention to students. Average class size is 11, with classes ranging from 7 to 20 students. Student to teacher ratio: 7 to 1.
FACULTY — West Sound Academy’s faculty is comprised of 19 full- and part-time teachers, with an administrative and support staff of 7. The Academy's enthusiastic faculty of talented professionals fosters curiosity and discovery and stress critical thinking and clear communication.
CURRICULUM — Providing a rigorous academic and art curriculum to prepare students for college, West Sound Academy is an IB World School, authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Degree Programme (IBDP). The full degree programme begins in the fall of 2011. In the 2010-2011 school year, the curriculum for Grades 6- 9 is centered on a pre-IBDP course of study, while Grades 10-12 have a selection of challenging college preparatory courses in the 6 academic areas of the Diploma Programme.
The curriculum stresses critical and disciplined thinking, effective communication and scientific analysis, and creative problem solving. Skills introduced and reinforced in the classroom, including critical reading, critical writing, and document analysis and evaluation, will prepare students for the rigors of the Diploma Programme and for success in college after their years at West Sound.
Graduates leave West Sound Academy with the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.
TECHNOLOGY — A wide variety of hardware and software is available at West Sound Academy to assure that students learn appropriate use of technology to help them communicate effectively; collect, analyze, process, and present information; as well as master the technical skills necessary to succeed in college and later life.
COLLEGE PLACEMENT— For the Classes of 2009 & 2010, 100% were admitted to college and 10% received National Merit Commendation.
LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES — A host of leadership opportunities are available from serving as advocacy representatives on the WSA Student Board to student leadership in community service, to performing arts, to publications (yearbook and literary journal), to recreational clubs, and more.
ADVOCACY PROGRAM — West Sound Academy offers an Advocacy Program that pairs a small group of students with a teacher for one or more years. The advocacy groups meet on a weekly basis to discuss important issues and work together on service projects for the school. The advocate meets with students and their parents for occasional conferences during the school year.
EXTENDED FIELD TRIPS — Fall and Spring Trips take West Sound Academy students into real world settings from remote wilderness sites, to working ranches, to urban museums all the while teaching leadership, environmental ethics, and technical skills. These challenging outdoor adventures are opportunities for both environmental education and personal growth.
ANNUAL ARTS EVENTS — Arts events occur regularly on campus, including live music performances in the Commons on Friday evenings, openings for exhibiting artists at the Frodel Gallery on campus, and performances of the school play or premieres of the school film production at Bainbridge Performing Arts.