
God says each person has inestimable intrinsic value, and He has a plan and a purpose for each life. Each of us can discover that purpose and get on with it in relationship with Him.

We hope you will find resources through our materials that will help you in the path of discovering all you can about God, enjoying the salvation relationship offered by Jesus Christ, and living your life under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Our intent, with your suggestions and through your prayer support, is to make sure that words4faith.com offers an easy avenue to find devotional and inspirational stories, essays, books, music, and other resources to encourage you and other individuals to consider accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to challenge people to make a deeper commitment for a closer walk with God, and to present ideas of God in all His power, His love, and His truth.

We hope you will be encouraged in Christian fellowship, both on line and through a local church or fellowship setting.

www.words4faith.com is a service of Chrio Communications LLC (pronounced kree-o). As an independent publisher and conduit for resources, we are here to serve God and encourage you.