
"World’s Worst Director" is a web series based on true stories observed on film sets by the show’s creator, Seth Chitwood.  The show premiered on March 26, 2012.  The premise of the show:

Moses (played by Chitwood) is known for his freakouts, but can you blame him? Everything seems to be going wrong! With dramatic diva actors, budget problems, mysterious sabotages, and insane crew members, Moses tries to keep himself together even though he is on the brink of a nervous breakdown; even with the help of his assistant, Katie (Mary C. Ferrara) who attempts to keep him grounded.

In the finale of the first season, Moses’ rival Penny (Erica Derrickson) surprisingly returns after being MIA for three years. The second season will be dedicated to the Penny/Moses tension. However, several new people have been announced to join the cast. Jenna McGowan will play a new assistant, Frank O’Donnell and Audrey Noone will play Moses’ parents.

Season 2 of the series also stars: Mary Paolino, Paul Kandarian, Kia Holiday, Jennifer Walsh, Eva Davenport, and Curtis Reid.