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XUMANII will revolutionize media marketing and social networking in a way that has never been done before PERIOD!
This is YOUTUBE, meets MYSPACE and TWITTER only BETTER! Giving you the option of collecting friends, posting pictures, video clips, hosting blogs and SELLING YOUR MUSIC OR TICKETS TO YOUR EVENTS and so much more. The amazing twist is XUMANII allows your profile to become YOUR exclusive visual channel to the world. Not only are your viewers watching every move you make LIVE, but they are watching you in picture resolution that is literally clearer than YOUTUBE! Not limited to ONE camera …the production you stream can be a ONE camera production or FOUR…indoors or outdoors or both…ITS YOUR PRODUCTION! What if I told you that with XUMANII there are no worries about how to get your existing friends over to your new XUMANII profile …. when you link the two respective sites ALL of your FRIENDS as well as THEIR FRIENDS are now in YOUR loop….AUTOMATICALLY informed that you are streaming LIVE online! Also if your fans send you an email you can install pre-recorded automatic responses ….yes you heard correctly AUTOMATIC RESPONSES so your FANS will never feel they are not connected with you! Now you don’t have to tell your friends what you are doing ….if you want you can show
Again, you heard me correctly ….COMPLETELY WIRELESS….Got your attention now? Check it…
Say you stream a live show, performance or you’re just chilling in VIP promoting yourself with a LIVE feed, your fans are not limited to their computers to see your next move, those with smart phones will download the free software and will be able to WATCH YOU through their phones! So when you TWITTER that you are going to the studio, party, etc. they can SEE you do these things if you choose.
DO YOUR OWN REALITY SHOW….the only limits XUMANII has are the ones YOU set as it regards to your connection to your fans or market. Your show or event located in New York can now be brought to EVERYONE on the World Wide Web…. sell tickets if you choose! While performing in New York you can stream live ON LOCATION to your XUMANII profile and allow your internet community to watch it for free OR at any cost YOU desire…and sell the LIVE recording of that performance in MP3 form right after the concert to your fans! DJs and PRODUCERS can create a LIVE MIXTAPES
Selling tickets to your live events, your music and promotional items straight from your XUMANII profile! You can stream live, market and promote yourself to your fans 24 hours a day, 7 days a week completely FREE.
Now the BEST part …you might want to sit down for this one ….You can SELL and CONTROL advertising and sponsors directly on your profile page and for a minor fee XUMANII will assist you in opening your site to this extremely lucrative revenue.
‘’XUMANII will be the marketing and social networking site to end all sites. Anyone who is looking to take their personal brand or product to the next level as well as produce live content streams will be able to do so on XUMANII free of charge.” said Creator and CEO Alex Frigon. He continues, “The only limits to XUMANII are those set by its users, whether they’re looking to produce a reality show, live concert, news or talk show; debut and sell tickets to a movie; market and sell a product online; or simply keep the world informed as to what they’re doing.”
‘’What XUMANII can do for everyone is nothing short of amazing, giving recording artists, film directors and other content creators the ability to market their products and brands on a worldwide scale using internet, wireless, pay-per-view and LIVE streaming technology,” says Tandy Weems, Chief Business Development Officer. “Our goal is to provide the infrastructure and technology that allows them to bring LIVE content and concerts directly to their world-wide fan base.”
Currently the wireless technology is not available to the general public but is being offered to A-List celebs, DJ, Producers and high profile clubs and events.
The program and profiles is open and free to the public. XUMANII is also providing major A-list concerts and events their wireless technology at no cost or a fee. Offering professional production support for major events, concerts, celebrities, performers and shows. Contact Tandy Weems f
Managers,artists, event producers for considerations at tandy@xumanii.com.
The future is HERE….The future is NOW …. The future IS… XUMANII !
Because ….. LIVE is beautiful.
Tandy Weems
Chief Business Development Officer