
Ya Sabe, Inc. helps local businesses and National brands connect with Hispanic consumers living in the United States.  A high-quality, unique dataset developed and managed by the company helps to answer queries from Hispanics searching online at YaSabe.com, Google, and Bing and on other partner websites where Hispanics go to search for local businesses like PaginasAmarillas.com and holaciudad.com. YaSabe is focused in local and mobile search and social media for U.S. Hispanics, bringing unique content, technology and an experienced management team to the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy.

With a population of 50M people and a combined disposable income of more than $1 trillion, the U.S. Hispanic segment is one of the largest emerging consumer markets in the world. Every major brand and millions of local businesses will necessarily rely on Hispanics consumers in order to survive and grow in the years to come.  U.S. Hispanics are also the fastest growing group of Internet users in the country, growing at four times the rate of the general population. The problem is that there is inadequate content available online even in categories such as food and groceries, beauty, healthcare, and insurance where Hispanics spend their money. What's needed is deep, rich information about local businesses that is culturally relevant so that Hispanics can search in Spanish or English and find what they need. In 2011, small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) in the U.S. will spend $100B on advertising, $25B online. For U.S. Hispanic, prospects consist of hundreds of national brands and more than 3 million local businesses located in the top 25 Hispanic metros ($2.5B marketplace) that currently have few options to reach this critical segment of consumers.

On the heels of the U.S. Census, Google revealed that 8% of searches performed from Google.com U.S. are in Spanish. And that there is a trend, without a doubt, towards a large expansion of this market segment. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, in 2050 1 out of 3 Americans will be of Hispanic origin. Currently 19M of the 30M Hispanics that are online are Spanish-preferred and bi-lingual. The number of times users search online for local businesses in Spanish has risen dramatically and is growing. The above graphs illustrates the rapid rise of some Spanish language local search terms like ‘dentistas’, ‘seguros’ and ‘abogado’, all big advertising categories. For local search, the problem is that even in categories like food, beauty, entertainment, immigration, employment, education, healthcare and insurance, where Hispanics spend as much or more than non-Hispanics, there is a lack of culturally relevant content in either Spanish or English. Consequently, local business owners and National brands have few options
available to reach this segment of the marketplace.

In addition to its unique content assets, YaSabe has several additional technology and other competitive advantages in the areas of search and retrieval, search engine optimization to driving usage and in the area of monetization.  Fundamentally, YaSabe brings local and mobile search platform to the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy.  There are few direct competitors at the moment that have the requisite technology and knowhow to take advantage of the opportunity in the marketplace.  Those companies that do have what it takes are currently focused exclusively in the general market.

YaSabe offers an assortment of simple, fixed price, measurable advertising packages that provide the SMB’s clear ways to promote themselves and the products and services they offer.  For the SMB’s, YaSabe has employed a variety of sales techniques ranging from direct field sales, direct telephone sales, reseller and agency based sales, and self-fulfillment sales. For National Accounts, YaSabe is focused on food and culture, pursuing relationships with large Latin food companies that want to reach U.S. Hispanics. We also work with select advertising agencies to pursue major National brands that are looking for ways to reach out and influence the buying decisions of the 50M Hispanic consumers living in the U.S. YaSabe offers these brands measurable and value-based advertising packages that provide exposure and visibility to consumers in this market segment.