
Zolanax is the first and only 'anti-anxiety, mood enhancement complex'.  Scientifically-engineered to naturally relieve stress and anxiety, enhance mood and relaxation, increase quality of rest and improve your general sense of well-being… all without a prescription.

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps us deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, or keep focused on an important speech. In general, light anxiety is perfectly natural and helps us cope with everyday stress. However, when anxiety becomes excessive or irrational, causing dread of everyday situations, it can become a disabling disorder.

With anxiety disorders, the intensity, duration, and frequency of worry are disproportionate to the issue, and it is often to a degree that disrupts or impairs normal physical and psychological functioning. Anxiety disorders are often accompanied by mild to moderate depression as well as a number of physical symptoms including muscle tension, increased blood pressure, gastrointestinal discomfort, fatigue, irritability, and insomnia. While women are more prone to anxiety and panic attacks than men, both sexes can be equally affected by these issues. Anxiety disorders are believed to affect about 15% of adults in the United States (an estimated 19 million American adults), thus making it more common than any other category of mental health disorders.

Due to the widespread occurrence of anxiety and other mood disorders in our culture, many health care practitioners and patients are seeking effective natural treatments that can either be used alone or in combination with pharmaceutical anti-anxiety medication. Pharmaceuticals like Xanax®, Zoloft®, Paxil®, and Prozac® may provide relief, but drugs like these can be addictive, potentially harmful, and illegal to consume without a prescription. Not everyone responds to these drugs favorably and for some people the side effects are too harsh, while others fail to experience the desired relief. Long-term use is controversial and withdrawing from them can be as difficult as the disorder itself. Many people who take these medications experience unpleasant side effects that outweigh the benefits of taking these drugs.

Now there is ZOLANAX… scientifically-engineered to naturally relieve stress and anxiety, enhance mood and relaxation, increase quality of rest and improve your general sense of well-being… all without a prescription.
