
Balanced Coaching That's as Unique as Those We Teach. Are you ready to succeed?
Coaching isn't just for large businesses.

The big difference between small businesses, medium businesses, and large businesses is - you guessed it - size. Regardless of company size or personal lifestyle, most companies and individuals need to manage the same types of resources and activities.

Even as some strategies and ideals are considered "standard" in business, every company is different, and has unique needs and a unique approach to daily tasks. A Better You Coaching understands that and believes that no business coach can be successful until they truly understand their client.

What is business coaching and what can it do for my company?

Business coaching from A Better You Coaching is not an industry magic bullet: it's a process of evaluating where your business is and where you want it to be. Business coaching does not have to mean a large-scale, scary restructuring of your company or staff. A Better You Coaching will work with you to help you identify anything within your company that could be improved. Better still, A Better You Coaching will teach you how to identify these things for yourself so that your business will continue going in the right direction.

What makes A Better You Coaching the right choice?

A Better You Coaching was founded out of purpose and need. There are many people who can say they are great at their jobs. There are many people who can say they get paid well in their profession. There are many people who can say they are doing what they were meant to do. But how many people can truly say they were called to their profession? Their destiny! Candy Myura was so passionate about helping people discover their full potential that she walked away from a job she loved to start her own business helping others.

A Better You Coaching provides the perfect melting pot of diversity, growth, passion, promise and education giving each individual client the opportunity to experience something memorable. The values that serve as our foundation demonstrate commitment and results. Share in the passion and participate in a contagious intensity that will inspire you and your employees to higher levels!