
Boutique business advisory firm offers the following services:

Image Marketing, Lifestyle and Sensorial Branding
Brands can't stand out by blending in. They need to be distinctive, compelling, create buzz and call for action. Advertising in almost every industry appears to look the same. Visually distinctive brand features enhance customer recall and positively influence intent to purchase. READ MORE

The Total Customer Experience (TCE)
We gain insight into the Total Consumer Experience by engaging with innovators and expert minds. Today, it’s more challenging than ever to maintain and grow a loyal customer base, largely because customers have so many choices. We bring our expertise to create a 360-degree future landscape for the brand experience with all touch points. READ MORE
Sales Management Outsourcing and Consulting
We are a boutique firm which provides specialized business advice for small to medium size enterprises (SME). Our services include sales management strategies/efficiencies and business & marketing plan writing. Consider us your outsourced experienced sales management team with a fresh perspective. Unlike standard consulting firms, we charge reasonable fees on a per project or hourly basis. Furthermore, we not only give advice but help you actually execute our plans. Our sales management outsourcing solutions apply our results-oriented Management By Tactics methodology conceived by Prof. Giovanni Di Girolamo -- an associate consultant with this firm.